Become a Member

Macpheadris (Individual) - $25

Only fitting that this membership level is named after Captain Archibald Macpheadris, first owner of the house. The continued support of those at this level are first in line to keep the house going from the ground up.  Perfect for the student or individual on a budget.

  • Free admission to the Warner House for one year

    1. Discount of 10% in the gift shop

    2. Discount rate for special programs & events

    3. Invitation to members-only events

    4. Subscription to bi-annual newsletter

    5. Free admission to History & Soup talks

Penhallow (Family) - $50

The house was home to several families of descendants of all ages.  In fact, one of the grandchildren "rediscovered" the murals. Carry on that tradition of family at this membership level. 

  • Same benefits as Macpheadris level for two adults and children living in the same household.

Wentworth (Friend) - $100

The Royal Governor Benning Wentworth used the house as the Governor's Mansion, entertaining esteemed friends and political leaders of the Province of New Hampshire. We think you should give your esteemed friends the royal treatment, too.       

  • Same benefits as Penhallow level

  • Four free guest passes

Wendell (Supporter) - $250

Edith Wendell saved the house from demolition, both raising and contributing the necessary funds to purchase the property.  Follow Mrs. Wendell's path to preservation by helping this national landmark stay in great shape.    

  • Same benefits as Wentworth level

  • A copy of The Warner House, A Rich & Colorful History book

Sherburne (Patron) - $500

One of the last descendants to live in the house, Aunt Evvy Sherburne often gave tours of her ancestral home to visitors of Portsmouth (if respectable in appearance, no doubt). She knew the house like the back of her hand and so should you.

  • Same benefits as Wendell level

  • Special behind-the-scenes tour

Warner (Benefactor) - $1,000

Jonathan Warner married into the Macpheadris family, occupying the house for 54 years. He became one of the most wealthiest and most respected men in town.  Warner stood out from others when a local writer remembered him as "one of the last of the cocked hats."   

  • Same benefits as Sherburne level

  • Your name or business printed in both the bi-annual newsletter and on the website