Mission Statement
The mission of the Warner House Association is to preserve and interpret for the benefit of the public, the 1716-18 brick structure and surrounding urban landscape. The emphasis of the interpretative program is on the stories of those who occupied the house from 1718 to 1930, with the expectation that our efforts will contribute to a greater understanding of the people of Portsmouth, the Piscataqua region, and America.
The mission shall be carried out by the following means:
Preserving and maintaining the 1716-18 brick house, a National Historic Landmark, with its original architecture, paneling, murals and collections, according to guidelines established by the Secretary of the Interior.
Providing accurate interpretation of more than 200 years of family occupancy based on documentary and archaeological evidence and using original and period furnishings to tell the story.
Inspiring a diverse audience through guided tours, programs, exhibitions and publications grounded in current scholarly research.
The gardens are open free of charge to the public daily, including days when the museum is not open. They are generously and lovingly cared for by the Portsmouth Garden Club.
House Manager: Stephanie Rowher Hewsom
Board of Governors
Executive Committee
Curt Springer, Chair
Carolyn Roy, Vice-Chair, Curatorial Co-Chair
Mike Reedy, Secretary
Betsy Springer, Treasurer
Tricia Alexander, Garden Chair
Corey Boucher, Finance Chair
Lorna Boucher, Marketing Chair
Bob Cook, Building and Grounds Chair
Douglas Mansfield, Governance Chair
Martha Pinello, Curatorial Co-Chair
Maria Barth
Peter Cook
Mary Crane
Barbara Engelbach
Emma Lynch
Rick Mask
Carol Seely
James Smith
Bob Swan
Rob Swan
Melissa Walker
Honorary Governors
Richard Candee
Ronan Donahue
Philip Kendrick
Louise Richardson
Lorn Buxton